Easy Chocolate Bread Pudding (with pain au chocolate)

by Emma Wills
Easy chocolate bread pudding (with pain au chocolat)
Easy chocolate bread pudding (with pain au chocolat)
Nutrition facts: 200 calories 20 grams fat
Rating: 4.0/5
( 5 voted )


  • 5 Pain au chocolat
  • 300ml double/heavy cream
  • 300ml whole milk
  • 150g dark chocolate (max 60% cocoa)
  • 3tsp cocoa powder
  • 3 medium eggs
  • 150g caster/granulated sugar
  • 1tbsp vanilla extract
  • 50g dark/semi sweet chocolate chips




  1. Line an 8" round loose bottom/spring form tin with parchment/baking paper. Cut a large square and push it into the tin.
  2. Chop each pain au chocolat into 9 pieces, set aside to become a little hard. Do not cover.
  3. Chop the dark chocolate into small chunks, set aside.
  4. Mix the eggs and sugar together in a bowl using a whisk until combined, set aside.
  5. In a saucepan heat the cream and milk until on a medium heat.
  6. Once the liquid is quite hot but not boiling add the dark chocolate chunks, cocoa and vanilla extract.
  7. Use a whisk to make sure the dark chocolate incorporates into the liquid.
  8. Once the chocolate has melted into the liquid, remove from the heat.
  9. Let it cool for 5 minutes, then add the egg and sugar mixture, whisk together.
  10. Add the pain au chocolat pieces into the baking tin, then pour the chocolate custard on top.
  11. Gently push the pain au chocolat down with a spoon making sure the chocolate custard goes all the way to the bottom. Let it sit for 10 mins.
  12. Bake the chocolate bread pudding at 160c/320f fan for 35 mins.
  13. Sprinkle the chocolate chips on top.
  14. Let it cool a bit before serving with vanilla ice cream.
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1 comment

Thabisile Nzimande September 16, 2024 - 9:30 pm

Hi! For the easy chocolate pudding, what can I replace the pina au chocolat with!


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